Disaster recovery using DNS records

DNS is typically used for Disaster Recovery to meet Business Continuity Planning requirements. During DR service records must be identified and updated individually, this costs time and is error prone.
Using ReDNS service owners can control and check the health of their own DNS records. BCP jobs can be pre-defined for scheduled DR tests, or prepared for real DR scenarios.

Streamline and protect DNS record swaps

Reduced recovery time

ReDNS allows rapid execution of repeatable DNS record swaps in just a few clicks

Reduced resource

Service owners are empowered to control services which in turn reduces resource and training requirements

Reduced risk

Only pre-defined DNS records can be swapped by service owners, and ReDNS provides clear visibility of any changes which are made

Operational readiness

Service health checks allow issues which would normally cause a DNS record swap to fail to be identified and addressed ahead of actual DR events

Centralised inventory

All critical services are indexed in a single inventory allowing rapid access to swap DNS records


ReDNS allows unlimited numbers of services to be added and swapped